In August 10th this year I will be tying up my running shoes and heading out with my husband to participate in the
SeaWheeze 2013 half marathon here in Vancouver.
Running has been a part of my life off and on since I joined the track and field and cross country teams in elementary school and it is always something I gravitate towards when I want to get into shape or I need a goal to focus on. For me, running is a wonderful way to deal with the ups and downs that happen in life.
I am on the left in the white shirt (age 12) |
My biggest running achievement to date was in 2009 when I completed a Nike Women's Running Study while training for the
Scotiabank Half Marathon. By the end of all the training and the half marathon, I had accomplished my goal and had a time I was really proud of but my knee was hurting and I was ready to be done with running. I thought I probably would never run a race again.
I am steps away from the finish line of the Scotiabank Half Marathon 2009 |
After having my first baby in 2012 I wanted to find a way to work out that would work around being at home with a baby. I wanted to do yoga because I had become really interested in it before becoming and while pregnant or to try barre fitness or crossfit or go swimming which is really my first fitness love. All those activities require that someone come and babysit while I am gone for 2+ hours. This is not convenient and for me fitness success means it has to be convenient or I won't do it. The classes that I found that you could bring your baby to required your baby to be baby started rolling at 2 1/2 months so there wasn't much time for me to fit those classes in! Running seemed like the best option because I can go for a run in the morning before my husband goes to work or I can take my baby in the running stroller (we got a running stroller for $15 off Craigslist) in the afternoon and it is also something that we can do together as a family on week-ends.
Running was again giving me that mind clearing high that I had had before and I was really getting into it but I needed a goal to keep me focused. I had started to buy some new running gear at
Lululemon and luckily it was just around the time that Lululemon started to talk about the 2013
SeaWheeze. I had never heard of it before but loved the idea that it was a community type event that wasn't just about running the half marathon and then going home but that it is a whole week-end party. I signed up and roped my husband into signing up as well and made sure that the grandparents were available for the week-end to babysit so it is going to be like a mini staycation for us.
My goal for this half marathon is simple...cross the finish line with my husband. I don't want to accomplish a personal best time, I just want to be there and do it and I am so excited about it. Running is not always easy for me and I certainly have to work at it but I think it is something that will always some how be a part of my life. I also like that as my baby gets older I can show her that fitness and health are important and can easily fit into your life no matter what.